New Kimili Flash Embed

If you read my last post you know by now what is the Easiest way to embed Flash inside WordPress, you do that using the KFE plugin. There’s a new version that address the issue described at the end of the last post And more, mainly compatibility with »

Easiest way to embed Flash inside Wordpress

I was embedding my Flash inside the WordPress posts with the html <object> tag. It was not only messy but also made it incompatible with the FireFox browser. My blog was completely unreadable in FireFox. Luckily I stumbled across this WordPress plugin called “Kimili Flash Embed for WordPress” »

Can you make me first in google ???

Every now and then a person come to me and nonchalantly ask “How can I make my website first in google?”. And she awaits a simple answer too, something like: change your website title to “best site in the world” and the background color to bluish grey. Well, not really, »

200,000 Flash games in one link

Google can now search and parse what’s inside flash swf files. Which means that now you can search flash content directly. For Example, Search this pharse in google to get approximately 200,000 links to games: “game” filetype:swf or follow this link. Â »

Check your Interval

I was amazed by the inaccuracy of intervals in flash. At least on my system a 1000 millisecond is about 1056 milliseconds. I’m using flash player 8.5 alpha 3 and the swf was compiled with flash 7. On some other systems I’ve checked this the 1000 ms »