How close ?!

 As a biker I feel obligated to show this video (right click and “Save Target As…”).               It is a very welcome initiative from the “Uk Department for Transport”. Check out theire site. »

setTimeout in flash 7

As you might know Flash 8 was reinforced with the setTimeout functionality. You can now tell flash 8 player to run a function once after a given milliseconds/interval: setTimeout(trace, 1000, “string to trace”); will trace the string “string to trace” after 1 second. But what if you’re »

Just Do It

I want a blog, but why? What will I write about? Macromedia Flash is one of my main interests these days, so should I make another flash blog?! there are already like a billion out there and some of it are unbelievably interesting. These questions and more, I wont tire »